Wednesday, January 4, 2012

My Budget

I have searched high and low for cheap, easy, healthy recipes, and I keep coming up empty handed. I've been able to find recipes that are cheap and easy or easy and healthy, but never cheap and healthy or cheap, easy and healthy. So here we are. Not only is this blog dedicated to healthy living, but to living healthy on a budget.

You see, I have three children, a husband, and I stay home. We are a single income family, and it gets TIGHT. But I have become determined to be healthy within my budget. On a normal week, I spend $100 on groceries (usually slightly less). I combine shopping buy one get one free sales (usually for my meat), and finding the lowest prices possible on everything else. Some weeks, I have to go to three or four different stores to get the lowest price, but I make it work. I have fruits and veggies with most meals, sometimes one or the other. But I promise you, eating healthy foods (and no packaged foods) on a budget is doable.

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